London Police Scorpion Squad Receives BMW F750GS

London Police Scorpion Squad Receives BMW F750GS 1

Narrow adventure bikes to fight crime

The bikes are part of the Metropolitan Operation Venice Scorpion Squad. Each police officer needs to pass a motorcycle training program designed specifically for this task if they want to ride them. Once the training is complete, the officer becomes a member of the Scorpion Squad and can prevent and stop any moto related crimes. The total number of BMW F750GS-P police motorcycles is undisclosed.


Every bike has special police equipment fitted. The features include the latest generation in radio communication and of course, special police lights for any emergencies. Other features include Automatic Stability Control (ASC), Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS) and Dynamic Electronic Suspension Adjustment (DESA).

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According to the Metropolitan Police, the choice was made to use these BMW F750GS bikes because they are narrow and have a small size and weight. This helps the task force to reach emergencies faster than other vehicles can and is a good tactical advantage when police officers prevent any outlaw activities on the streets of London.

The motorcycle was modified to be narrower than other bikes since they need to operate in hard to reach areas. Thus, the Metropolitan Police Scorpion Squad had to find a solution to gain an advantage over crime-related situations.

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Although my officers have, and continue, to reduce moped-enabled crime, we are not complacent and know that offenders still believe that they can evade capture when they are on their mopeds.

These new vehicles will allow our specialist drivers to pursue offenders. Their lightweight design has been specially tailored to help us reduce moped enabled crime even further,” said Jim Corbet, Metropolitan Operation Venice Chief Inspector.

Looking at the figures, it seems like all this effort had paid off. From December 2017 to November 2018 there were 15,168 mopeds, motorcycles, and scooters used in crimes. In the same period the following year, the number fell to 8,721. So, it’s a 42% decrease in crime. 

Whilst we’re pleased to see the number of stolen vehicles and crimes committed reduce, we are not complacent and call on the public to help us reduce moped-enabled crime even further by informing the police of any suspicious activity and adding additional measures to your bike.

The new bikes and the help of the public will be instrumental in stopping this type of crime,” concluded Corbet.

It’s good news that crime-related activities have decreased with the help of these BMW F750GS bikes and the Metropolitan Police, so we hope that maybe riders we’ll get off with a warning sometimes for speeding.

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